Original indicators: consumption calculator and optimization calculator
Optimierungsrechner für Original Indikatoren
Online calculation tool for calculating indicator consumption as well as optimization calculation of indicator consumption according to:
- Device type
- Measuring parameters
- Limit values
- Measuring ranges
For the following measurement parameters:
- Residual hardness
- Carbonate hardness
- minus m-value
- p-value
Online calculation according to limit values and envelope points in different measuring ranges.

After displaying the result, you can directly order or subscribe to the respective indicator in the online store via the link.
FAQ for the correct use of the online indicator consumption calculator
Why do I need to select a device for the indicator calculation?
Different instrument versions are available for hardness measurement. Not all parameters can be measured with every device type. By selecting the device type, the software automatically narrows down the selection of measurable parameters displayed.
What are the differences of each device?
BAll the instruments shown are instruments for measuring residual hardness. The Testomat 808 is an analyzer for monitoring a fixed limit value. This is determined by the selection of the indicator used. In the course of the analysis, it is evaluated whether the limit value is undercut or exceeded.
Free programming of the limit value is not possible.
When selecting this device, the available indicators are displayed in the selection mask. A free input of the limit value to be monitored is not possible. All remaining devices are analyzers for monitoring limit values within a defined range. For these so-called “actual value analyzers”, 4 different indicators are available. Within the respective measuring range of the indicator type used, the limit value to be monitored can be freely programmed.
The Testomat 2000 can also be used to determine the carbonate hardness, the p-value and the -m-value. The individual instrument versions differ in their technical design.
Which parameters can be measured with the individual devices?
Testomat 2000 can also be used to determine the carbonate hardness, the p-value and the -m-value.
The parameters available for the respective instrument are automatically made available after selecting the instrument type in the “Parameter” selection screen.
Why is only the residual hardness parameter automatically displayed for Testomat ECO, Testomat EVO and Testomat LAB?
These devices are currently only available for measuring residual hardness.
Why is the Residual hardness parameter automatically displayed when Testomat 808 is selected and an entry is made in the Limit value field at the same time.
For the 808 Testomat for monitoring residual hardness, only indicators for monitoring residual hardness are currently available. Indicators for monitoring the carbonate hardness, the p-value or the -m value are not available.
The value displayed in the Limit value field represents the lowest limit value that can be monitored. Click in the drop-down menu to display all available monitorable limit values.
Why does the question change from "What limit do you want to monitor?" to "What envelope point do you want to monitor?"
When using the Testomat 808, only the exceeding or falling below of a fixed defined water hardness is monitored. The changeover point is used to evaluate the measurement result. If the defined value is not exceeded, there is no color CHANGE. The color change from green to red only occurs if the defined value is exceeded. This also means that your limit value defined for the permissible residual hardness has been exceeded.
With Testomat 2000, Testomat ECO, Testomat EVO-TH and Testomat LAB, the actual value of the residual hardness or total hardness is approached step by step by means of titration. This enables an exact determination of the actual value within the respective measuring range.
If I have selected the Testomat 808 instrument type, why can I not enter an envelope point?
The analysis procedure of Testomat 808 works exclusively with indicators that are manufactured for monitoring a fixed limit value. Only an evaluation is made as to whether the limit value is exceeded or not reached. The displayed selection list contains all available envelope points.
What values can I enter as the envelope point?
The input field is a free text field. Depending on the measured parameter, different indicators are available for selection. Each indicator has a specific measuring range. If your input does not match the measuring range, you will receive a corresponding note in the result output.
What do the different units mean?
Historically, water hardness in Germany and Austria has been expressed in degrees of German hardness (°dH). In practice, however, other units are used depending on the region or application. The consumption calculator allows you to determine the demand for a specific project on the basis of the unit used. The conversion takes place automatically.
If I have selected the Testomat 808 instrument type, why can I not enter an envelope point?
The analysis procedure of Testomat 808 works exclusively with indicators that are manufactured for monitoring a fixed limit value. Only an evaluation is made as to whether the limit value is exceeded or not reached. The displayed selection list contains all available envelope points.
Is the entered value for the limit or changeover point automatically converted when I change the unit?
The conversion is not done automatically. This ensures that you do not enter incorrect numerical values for the calculation. (Exception: Testomat 808, as here fixed conversion points are used).
What does interval mean?
Interval is the time interval between the end of the first analysis and the start of the following analysis.
What are the effects / consequences of changing the interval?
The shorter the interval (distance between two analyses), the higher the annual indicator consumption. Conversely, the longer the interval is selected, the less indicator is required per year. The interval should always be chosen to suit the monitoring task set. Also pay attention to the shelf life of the indicator used. This is usually 9 months. Too long analysis intervals result in the indicator not being used up at the end of the shelf life.
Which intervals can be entered?
IAll time intervals can be entered in the consumption calculator. All Testomats have an external start or start/stop input.
If this is not used, the devices operate with the following maximum intervals, which can be programmed on the device itself:
- -Testomat ECO, Testomat 2000 and Testomat LAB: max. 99 minutes
- -Testomat 808: max. 60 minutes
Please note that specialist planning is required for intervals > 99 minutes or 60 minutes.
Why do I need to specify the hours per year and days per year?
The usage time of the devices per day or per year has a direct influence on the indicator consumption. In order to provide you with the best possible approximation of your actual requirements, we therefore take this value into account for our calculation.
Why am I sometimes shown two variants?
When using the Testomat ECO/ 2000/ EVO-TH, there are some overlaps in the measuring range between the individual indicator types for residual hardness (or total hardness measurements).
If Testomat 2000 is used for measuring the p-value or carbonate hardness, the available indicators also result in overlaps in the measuring range.
Within these overlaps, two indicator types can be calculated. In the result, both variants are displayed and the differences regarding measurement accuracy (resolution), the possible number of analyses as well as the calculated annual requirement for each indicator type are pointed out.
Why am I always shown 500 ml bottles in the result?
The 500 ml containers are the standard containers provided for the use of the devices. The use of smaller containers (100 ml) is only advisable in special applications due to the necessary change intervals. If you have any questions, we will be happy to advise you.
What does measurement accuracy mean?
The chemical structure of the various indicators for a parameter is different. The higher the measuring range of the indicator used, the lower the resolution (measuring accuracy). If a lower accuracy is acceptable, the designated indicator can be used for the measurement.
Why is the number of possible analyses so different when I get two variants displayed?
The number of analyses depends on the consumption per analysis. In relation to the limit value to be monitored, a higher consumption results for indicators with a high resolution (measurement accuracy)
Why am I never shown two variants in the results display for Testomat 808?
Testomat 808 works with fixed envelope points. You select this in the Envelope point field. Thus, there is always only one result for the selected indicator type.
What does the note "You can shorten the interval from X to Y, ..." mean?
The calculator uses your specifications to calculate the expected annual consumption. This is compared with the shelf life of the required indicator type using an algorithm. If the analysis interval you have entered results in residual quantities in the containers at the end of the shelf life, an optimized analysis interval is suggested. This interval results in the indicator being completely used up at the end of the shelf life. This does not result in any additional costs and at the same time you increase the monitoring frequency and thus process reliability.