HORIBA handheld meters and pocket testers
The LAQUA series of the Japanese manufacturer HORIBA is ideally suited for the fast and uncomplicated measurement of important lead parameters, especially in the field of crop cultivation and the breeding of vegetable plants. Compared to the complex and expensive spectroscopic laboratory methods, the instrument technology can be used directly on site in the field or in the greenhouse without high equipment expenditure.
The handheld meters are equipped with pH and conductivity electrodes or with galvanic oxygen sensors, depending on the application. The measuring systems, which are connected to the indicator via cables, are characterized by reliable accuracy and reproducibility. Operation and calibration are also possible for users without great expert knowledge and without extensive device training
Pocket testers are compact and intuitive devices with an integrated sensor system that can be calibrated easily and precisely, measure reliably and are easy to clean. The testers are used very successfully for pH, conductivity, salinity, sodium ions, potassium ions, nitrate and calcium ions in measuring ranges adapted to the needs in agriculture
HEYL NEOMERIS works very closely with HORIBA as an experienced distributor, providing expert advice and enabling customers to place orders in a timely manner via the www.heylneomeris.shop and www.pockettester.de portal.
Application areas and examples
Exemplary for the use of the measuring devices are the following applications in horticulture and plant breeding of practical importance

- Measurement of dissolved oxygen in the fertilization of greenhouse crops.
Crops cultivated in greenhouses thrive particularly well with an increased proportion of oxygen in the irrigation water. While there is only a slight effect on growth at a level of more than 5 mg/l dissolved oxygen, values of more than 8 mg/l are considered to be beneficial to the health of the plants. However, it happens again and again that in practical operation the oxygen concentration in irrigation water drops below critical values of 4 mg/l. Therefore, it is important for growers to monitor oxygen levels with a simple, reliable measuring system to ensure that oxygen levels are optimal for healthy plant growth. The handheld LAQUA act DO110/120 with the galvanic oxygen sensor 9551-20/100D is ideally suited for this application due to its measuring range, accuracy and reliable calibration properties.Read more here: Dissolved oxygen in the greenhouse
- Nitrogen and potassium measurement in plant sap, e.g. for vegetable crops
The farmer can determine the optimum fertilization level of vegetable plants by checking the plant sap. Analyzing leaf sap from fresh plants for nitrogen and potassium concentrations using LAQUAtwin Nitrate– and Potassium -Pocket Meters is a quick and reliable method without requiring a lot of equipment. The results can be used for internal work instructions and guidance on proper fertilizer application.Read more here: plant sap tests for nitrogen and potassium status of vegetable crops
- Nitrate measurement in turf grass
Healthy growth of turfgrass on sports fields and golf courses is significant for many years of demanding use. An important indicator of soil nitrogen availability is nitrate concentration. Studies have shown that a range of 200 -300 ppm nitrate in the sap of the grass plant is optimal. The measurement can be easily and reliably performed on cut samples with the LAQUAtwin Nitrate.Read more here: Nitrate Measurement in Turfgrass
- Potassium determination in petiole sap or dry plant tissue
The analysis of plant tissue is of great importance for the evaluation of nutritional status.
Time-consuming and costly ICP spectrometers are used as the standard method in the testing laboratory. Comparative studies of the LAQUAtwin Potassium Pocket Tester with ICP spectrometry demonstrate a good, significant correlation between the two measurement methods on representative plant samples. The result shows that the pocket tester is ideally suited for on-site tests in the field. With only a few drops of sample, a quick result can be achieved without lengthy sample preparation transport to the laboratory.Read more here: Potassium Determination in Plant Tissue
- The fresh root analysis for the determination of nitrogen in onion plants.
Analysis of fresh root sap with the LAQUAtwin Nitrate provides an inexpensive, quick and easy method for checking nitrogen status in onion plants. Nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) levels vary at different stages of bulb growth. The acceptable value in the root sap of onions about 1.5 to 4 cm in diameter is 350 – 500 ppm. The method allows onion growers to reliably check nitrogen levels for healthy growth and successful harvest.Read more here: Quick on-site determination of nitrogen in onions
For detailed information on application examples and suitable handheld meters and pocket testers, please visit our online store at www.pockettester.de.